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Old Lady Clothes: Modern Genius


By Rachel Gorman-Cooper

Daniela Gregis may be my current favorite designer. I found her while scrolling through Pinterest, fishing for pins that would fit my board titled, “my ideal style.” Week after week, I’d add pins to this board, all resembling a similar theme. I wondered, are these all by the same person? In fact they were, all belonging to the legendary Daniela Gregis, Bergamo’s best.

In interviews, Gregis addresses a common accusation: her clothes seem to target elderly women. It shouldn’t have surprised me, then, that I found her designs so appealing. Although there’s truth in this assessment, Gregis’s designs supersede the style of old women. They reach beyond this ideal, drawing inspiration from everyday life — flowers, grandmothers, tricycles…

Speaking of which, one of Gregis’ most recent collections, “Triciclo,” supersedes even the literal concept of a tricycle. Following the idea of three cycles, the collection is centered on a woman dressed in all black who, over the course of three cycles, ends in a red, silk dress.

Featuring layers upon layers of mismatched knitwear, accentuated shapes, and varying fabrics, Daniela Gregis’s work manages to balance order and chaos. Even more impressive though, is Gregis’s journey to her current career point. Read about her to find out more!!


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